Friday, July 16, 2010

Do you belong to a group?

The Elvis Team^^

Do you know what small group communication is? What are the types of groups? In my understanding, small-group communication involves a small number of people, usually engaged in face-to-face interaction, actively working together toward a common goal. The types of small group communication depend on the purpose of the group. What I have learnt is there are three types of teams. There is the learning group which involves sharing and seeking information. Also there is the self-maintenance group that inspires desirable attitudes, understanding as well as using communication patterns. Lastly, is the problem-solving group that would make decisions based on problem.

I believe all of us have worked in groups before which I always do. I would say I am fortunate to have a good group for assignment purposes. Although each of my group members carries different personality but when we work together, we work in unity. We have never quarreled so far. We discuss together whatever problem that exist and solve them out. Not only that, we respect each other and show understanding. As a group, each member must be able to communicate freely and openly with all of the other members of the group. Furthermore, I feel the key leading to successful team work is to compromise. I have seen many groups in great conflict before. Based on my observation, the reasons causing the clash are due to lack of communication and refusing to compromise.

People join groups for a variety of reasons. No matter what the reason could be, once you join the team, you should be committed and play your role well. Most companies and organizations have people working in small teams. This has been found to be more effective and productive than a single individual toiling away at a project. When you have three or four more people working on an issue, you have the advantage of having access to more ideas and solutions for the project, of having more checking safeguards against any flaws in the plan, and of being able to establish more network connections.

Cat&Dog Team

Can't believe this is the last post already. I would like to thanks to all readers who have been supportive to my blog. Although I will be stop blogging for some time but doesn't mean I stop completely. I would still update you guys with interesting facts and experiences in future. Wait for me. Bye!


Can I survive as a newbie?

Being new in a working organization is never easy. You have to get used to the new environment, dealing with your bosses and your colleagues as well as the work load. Normally, newbie will have a hard time fitting into their working place initially because there are a lot of stuffs newbie has to self learnt such as the values, rituals and cultures of a workplace. Organizations don’t normally communicate their cultures, mission and values in detailed. If you are lucky enough, you would get nice colleagues who would be willing to teach you new things and help you solve problems you face. However, most senior colleagues are either too busy to teach you or they just can’t be bothered to help you.

Besides, new employees also face conflicts in the workplace. Conflict in the workplace can be due to many reasons. Perhaps the most significant cause is when someone feels taken advantage of. This might happen when a perfectionist boss demands the same dedication and commitment from employees as he or she exhibits, but does not compensate them for the late or weekend hours or a boss who has a habit of yelling at you in front of your coworkers or critical comments about your work during meetings and excluding them from a group lunch or team meeting?

Life can be difficult for new employee as well because of the existence of workplace bullying which is very common nowadays. At some point in your career you’ll be bullied somehow or rather. That is why many people prefer to come out on their own and be the own boss instead of working along with other people and having to see to their faces or being manipulate by them. In the U.S., where the practice is being studied, an estimated 37% of workers, or about 54 million people, have been bullied at the office or repeatedly mistreated in a health-harming way, according to a 2007 Zogby International survey. People are lack of awareness about the bullying that could happen. Most new employees would just keep quite even when they are bullied in order to prevent from loosing the new job they applied.

In my case, it was hard for me to adapt myself into the organization I first work for. It was a primary school. I worked as a temporary replacing a teacher who went to deliver baby. I remember on the first day I felt so alone, lost and insecure because I didn't know anybody yet. Moreover, I was stress having to teach the pupils as I have no experience before unlike the other qualified teacher who had been through proper training. The stress caused me to loose appetite and I lost weight terribly. However, not long after that I was fortunate that there were few took initiative to talking to me and we made friends. They were so helpful to me, teaching me stuffs and helping me how to handle difficult students. I was so grateful to have them as an encouragement to me otherwise I don’t think I would last long working there.

We bound to face challenges in working place anyhow but it depends how well you can handle or manage the obstacles. Being ‘’different’’ from the dominant group in the workplace creates additional barriers. Hence, sometimes we have to sacrifice our own culture and values in order to adopt the culture of the organization and survive!

Share with you a video of workplace bullying.

And how to deal with difficult people at work.

I am a stage fright freak!

Have you ever had to give a speech? Do you remember that feeling? A knot in the stomach, sweaty palms and a panic attack! I do and it happens very often somehow. I am never a front person. I dislike talking in front of too many people. I have had a few bad experiences when presenting in front a large crowd of people. These unpleasant experiences haunt me still. Even until now I still couldn’t able to erase them off my memory storage. By the way, I have good long term memory storage. I could remember everything that happens arouns me even the incidents have occurred ages ago. But strangely enough, I hardly can remember anything when comes to lectures I have learnt in classes. I still wonder why.

Like I said earlier, I am not comfortable having to stand forward to present while everyone is looking at me. I tend to be extremely nervous, tense and panicky. I would start getting anxious and under stress a few days before the day of presentation itself. I am actually going through what is known as situational anxiety which is one of the obstacles to Communication. Situational anxiety is defined by factors that exist during a specific speaking situation. For example, the crowd is the factor that causes me to feel scared.

Let me just share with you the two bad experiences I went through in my previous presentations. The first one happened when I was in Standard Three. I was asked by my teacher to participate in a story telling competition. At that time, I didn’t know that I actually very scared to present until I was on the stage. I remembered I could memorize the whole speech perfectly but when I was up there presenting, I forgot everything. I couldn’t even greet the audiences. I managed to utter a few words and sentences and the rest I got stuck with ‘em’, ‘aaa’, ‘er’. The worst thing was I stood on the stage for 10 minutes! All the audiences were laughing their heads off. I then quickly ended the speech with ‘terima kasih’. I felt so embarrassing but I did not cry, probably I was too young too feel that emotional.

However, I cried for the next experience though which happened to me in Form Two. This incident that took place in church where I supposed to lead in the singing session for my youth group but unfortunately the musicians who supposed to assist me couldn’t make it. Then I asked helped from another youth but to my surprised he replied, ‘You play the music yourself lar’. I said to myself, ‘Hello? I can’t play the piano that’s why I need your help!’ Anyway, I somehow managed to get someone else to play the guitar instead. After that, I started to lead the group to sing. Half way through, the same fellow who rejected helping me, started laughing at me with his gang. I was so hurt and disappointed. The incident had affected me badly since. I was so upset that I stopped attending youth fellowship completely.

Some people may think it’s a small matter but to me it wasn’t. The feeling of hurt and disappointment was hard to forget. It literally diminished my confidence. After what happened, I would avoid any chances to go out to speak. I told myself not to present anymore if possible but things are different at college. We have dozens of presentations to do as they are graded. Now I have got used to the idea of presenting and through the many practices, I have better confidence than before. Nevertheless, I’m still working on to manage my anxieties.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Try and persuade me, can you?

Hi, before I go any further take a look at this commercial video below and tell me whether you would purchase the product? Enjoy the show!

So people, will you buy the Serta mattress? Are you tempted to have one for yourself or your parents? Did you even consider getting it? If you do, you have been persuaded. It means that the commercial is persuasive enough to make you buy the product. If you don't, means you are not convinced with it. Persuasion is a form of social influence. It can be powerful enough to sway your mindset toward the adoption of an idea, attitude, or action.

In class, I have learnt three important ways of using speech to persuade an individual or group to feel as you do. Firstly, persuading your audience through the use of Ethos is a way of convincing them of your argument because you have validity on a personal level in their eyes. The word Ethos actually stands for credibility. Secondly, the use of Pathos, or emotional persuasion is simply a way of appealing to a person's emotions in order to convince them of your argument. Many argumentative speech topics are able to be given in a persuasive manner by the use of pathos, simply because it is easy to appeal to somebody's emotions throughout your speech. Logos speaking has to do with persuading someone through the use of logic. There are several different ways in which you can do this but one of the most effective is by developing a coherent speech that moves logically through the subject. If you keep your audience in mind and develop a good argument, they will be able to follow it to its natural conclusion.

We can be persuaded through various ways such being exposed to advertisements and commercials to get us to buy their products or listening to persuasive speech and presentations which could influence our thinking. However, we have to have a convincing and creative idea with supported facts in order to persuade people. Not only that, our presentations should be something memorable, inspiring and something that make sense to attract people’s attention. People are not dumb basically. They don’t just buy whatever we say or present because each person has their own thought and stand. Giving senseless speech could only put the audience off.

The one person who makes a good persuasive speaker is non other than Barack Obama. He is such a good role model who is capable of giving persuasive and inspiring words. He uses repetition of key words, he changes his tone and volume of his voice, he has good eye contact with his audiences and he includes gestures when he speaks. Below is an example of his persuasive speech. Hope that by listening and observing to his speech could help you learn how to persuasively present ideas.

Ready forJob Interview?

Interview is somewhat a formal discussion between two parties in which information is exchanged. In order to fill an open job position, an employee might interview potential candidates to gain a better understanding of their backgrounds, qualifications and skills. Interview consists of many different types. There are counseling interview, employment interview, interrogation interview, telephone interview and so on. Basically, I will be talking more on employment interview.

Going for job interview is something each of us has to face. Whether or not you going to make it trough is all depends on you performance. Bare in mind that it doesn't matter which university you graduate from, how good is your GPA points, how well experience and knowledgeable you are but if you fail to interview successfully; you won’t get the job.

Successful interviewing begins with preparation. Many people fail to be accepted in an organization or company is due to their bad performance during an interview. They lack of preparation before attending the interviews for their desired career field. They do not practice enough on what are the important criteria they should pay attention when preparing for job interview.

Job interview is never easy! Being able to make a good first impression is important if you want to be hired. Nowadays, employers don’t just hire you based on how great is your academic qualifications you have obtained but also they see to how well you can carry yourself to impress them. Having good communication skills are bonus for you because being able to communicate well in expressing your thoughts and ideas can show that you are good asset for the company.

I have only been to one formal interview when I was applying for a job as a temporary teacher. I could still remember freshly how it was like. I wasn't well prepared at that time as I never been to any interview before. I just went in and try my luck. I was so nervous and stumble upon my words. Thank God, the headmaster was understanding, he knew I was just a form six leaver and willing to give me a chance to try. I was so thankful to him.

Now that I’m majoring in Communication, I’m exposed more into how an interview should be like and how to prepare better. Here I will include some tips on preparing yourself before an interview as well as videos on example of good interviewing skills, what you should and should not do to avoid making mistakes for job interviews.

Take Note!

Good Self Introduction

Do's and Dont's of Interviewing

Avoid These Mistakes