Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ready forJob Interview?

Interview is somewhat a formal discussion between two parties in which information is exchanged. In order to fill an open job position, an employee might interview potential candidates to gain a better understanding of their backgrounds, qualifications and skills. Interview consists of many different types. There are counseling interview, employment interview, interrogation interview, telephone interview and so on. Basically, I will be talking more on employment interview.

Going for job interview is something each of us has to face. Whether or not you going to make it trough is all depends on you performance. Bare in mind that it doesn't matter which university you graduate from, how good is your GPA points, how well experience and knowledgeable you are but if you fail to interview successfully; you won’t get the job.

Successful interviewing begins with preparation. Many people fail to be accepted in an organization or company is due to their bad performance during an interview. They lack of preparation before attending the interviews for their desired career field. They do not practice enough on what are the important criteria they should pay attention when preparing for job interview.

Job interview is never easy! Being able to make a good first impression is important if you want to be hired. Nowadays, employers don’t just hire you based on how great is your academic qualifications you have obtained but also they see to how well you can carry yourself to impress them. Having good communication skills are bonus for you because being able to communicate well in expressing your thoughts and ideas can show that you are good asset for the company.

I have only been to one formal interview when I was applying for a job as a temporary teacher. I could still remember freshly how it was like. I wasn't well prepared at that time as I never been to any interview before. I just went in and try my luck. I was so nervous and stumble upon my words. Thank God, the headmaster was understanding, he knew I was just a form six leaver and willing to give me a chance to try. I was so thankful to him.

Now that I’m majoring in Communication, I’m exposed more into how an interview should be like and how to prepare better. Here I will include some tips on preparing yourself before an interview as well as videos on example of good interviewing skills, what you should and should not do to avoid making mistakes for job interviews.

Take Note!

Good Self Introduction

Do's and Dont's of Interviewing

Avoid These Mistakes


  1. Haha.. I ever interviewed by a company which really test my typing speed.
    At last, she want to hire me but I rejected.

    Interviewing skill really important as well as for fresh graduate.
    Hope we can get a lot interview experience after we graduated. haha

  2. Why reject ler?? People already wanted to hire you. Yeah having good interviewing skill is very essential otherwise getting a job is a tough:)

  3. ERm.. because position is CLERK.
    U know I dun like this kind of position..hehe..

  4. life is funny sometimes....the jobs that you want badly... don't want that you don't want, they give you offers...then you have to think of a nice way to reject them...

  5. Grace: True also LOL

    Ms.Allison: Yeah, and sometimes no matter how you dislike the job but you still have to take the offer cox time is bad hehe

  6. Are you gonna continue this blog? Or will it come to an end?

  7. Well...I think most likely I would continue since I have already started it...Do continue to comment ya Ms.Allison although it is no more under Org Comm:)

  8. if you enjoy writing, then maybe you should...otherwise it is a chore I guess....sure i will is already in my google reader.....
